“We were so taken/heartbroken with Emily’s story, it got us thinking. We have two children now grow but while they were young, we would go back to the ‘bush’ and there was always a concern about ‘what if’.

Sometimes my husband would go on his own to the bush and I always asked ‘Do you have your cellphone?’ Then that really made me think – if I was at work (or even at home) and any of us were in trouble, would first responders be able to find us without a LENGTHY description of where we were, and I doubted it. That’s why we approached the Township for their support.
We allow certain people we know to hunt on our farm in those fields past what is visible from our road. They are to tell us when they go out, and when they are back. Some park in our driveway and walk back. Our rule is ‘if you’re not back at dusk – we’re coming back to find you’.
Thankfully we have never had issue, but with the new ‘FARM 911’ signs first responders, at the very least, will have a better starting point if someone does get into trouble! And that gives us small peace of mind.
We live near an area where a hiker got in trouble a few years ago. He had fallen and thankfully he at least had his cell phone with him. When the call came in one of our ‘locals’ knew exactly where he was, and that was ONLY the way he was found.
FARM 911: The Emily Project is such a simple, easy, wise way to help in community safety. I sincerely hope those we have spoken to, and others we haven’t, will see the benefits.”
Many thanks to Allison who farms in Mallorytown, Ontario for sharing her story with us.